Monday, February 21, 2011

GOOD Design Daily: Do You Double Space After Periods? - Design - GOOD - StumbleUpon

This article was interestign because of the discussion it created, when realistically, the article was written to put the matter to rest!

I learnt to write on a typewriter, and my first few novels were typed up on the clunky old things too. But I don't even remember losing the double spacing urge.

GOOD Design Daily: Do You Double Space After Periods? - Design - GOOD - StumbleUpon


  1. Yes. This. For one thing, it shows that you are with the time and care about the latest typographic conventions. Sure, editors can edit it out, but if you submit something double-spaced, it shows you are 'an old fart' and don't care about being an old fart. Type double-spaced for all you like, but edit it out yourself before sending it off.

    Sometimes, I have dreams about being a mean ol' editor and editing an anthology just so I can put in the guidelines: any double-spaced manuscript will be rejected, just to test if people actually read these guidelines.

    *evil grin*

  2. I taught myself to touch type at age 14 using the up-to-date manual of the time, "Practical Typewriting". Double-spacing was one of the things it taught me to do, so that's what I did. Many years and a billion double spaces later, I learned that thanks to computers, two taps on the space bar was one tap too many. Worse still, they could easily be interpreted as a sign of my *age*. Argh!!! I switched to single-spacing at once. Easy.
